
Cash. Credit. Dosh. Filthy lucre. You get the picture.

So, you want to get your grubby mitts on a copy of this 'zine?

Current Issue

The current issue is:

  • available for the princely sum of 5 Drogna + postage & packing.

Send inquiries about exhange rates and payment methods to the email address on the contact page.

'Zine Swaps

Yes, we are willing to do fanzine exchanges with editors/ writers focused on the following subjects:

  • Science Fiction games of any type.
  • Other science fiction media. (Books, TV, cinema, music, theatre—almost anything you can think imagine.)
  • “Sit Around the Table,” PBM, and other “analogue” games.
  • (We'll allow Play-By-Email, Play-By-Messageboard, and other asynchronous and distributed games.)

As BTTS is a print 'zine, we can only do exchanges with other print 'zines.